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How to deal with no longer being the coach?

Long time reader, first time posting.

I am sure a number of you have gone through what I am about to this season. My son has reached the point in his development where it is in his best interests that I no longer be his coach. I will be taking a roll as just a spectator and it is not something I am used to. I have been his coach in some way shape or form since he was four. My son has accepted a spot on a new travel team with excellent coaches that focus on development, and so far seems to be a great fit. I have read, several posts about not being that parent, and the types of parents seem to range from constantly being in the players ear, to watching the game from the outfield fence. I don't think I fit into either type, nor want to be at either end of that spectrum. Trying to find a happy medium. I think it would be beneficial to hear how you as parents that have been in a similar situations have coped with the change in support/coaching role. Are there any support groups that I am unaware of... J/K Maybe I can learn from others successes and/or mistakes.

Hi, My name is TXBALLDAD and I am becoming a spectator...

Thanks in advance.

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