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Reply to "Sending updates to coaches after a less-than-stellar performance"

KilroyJ posted:

Son (2019 RHP) is writing his update letter to the coaches that have asked him for updates, and last night things didn't go so well. He knows to post the facts as facts, then add his analysis of what went right/wrong and what he learned from it to help him next time. He knows to focus on his own performance and not blame others, etc.. So far he's got a nice letter drafted up but does anyone have any additional advice on what to add/subtract, focus on or NOT dwell on?

If my son was writing this letter, I would tell him to be honest.  These coaches know that the kids will struggle at times.  It is a part of the process.  Even the best recruits will have bad games.  I would have him list the facts and then have him explain what he learned from the bad outing.  This would show maturity, and the ability to learn and focus on getting better.
