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Reply to "VHSL Pitching Policy for 2014"

I would be happy to send you the VHSL Rules Clinic slides that contradict the interpretation.  Where can one find the interpretations made through out the season?  I think the rules need to be more specific as to days rest after the early returns.


This is the rule for pitching 4-7.  "

“If a pitcher pitches four to seven innings in one day that pitcher shall have two calendar days of rest from competition pitching … Further restrictions regarding this section include:

 - After two days of rest a pitcher may pitch a maximum of two innings.

 - After three days of rest a pitcher may pitch a maximum of three innings.

 - After four days of rest a pitcher may pitch to the limit of the rule.”


- All three restrictions apply, there is no "or" between the restricitions.  The only clause that permits pitching to the limit of the rule is the third restriction.  Only after meeting that restriction is pitching to the limit of the rule actually permitted by the rule.

In every example provided in the VHSL Rules Clinic package, the pitcher eventualy received the full 4 days of rest.  Coming in early was treated as a neutral day.

- Going back to the Pennsylvania rule, which VHSL copied, you can see the original intent

- If you can show me any other time an interpretation was provided I'd love to see it.


Maybe you can tell me since you've been tracking the VHSL interpretations of this rule, if that same pitcher pitched 1 inning after two days of rest instead of three, could he then pitch 6 innings the next day?  If not, why not?   


As to bullpens between games.  If done right, the pitcher in a practice bull pen is not throwing full velocity except for 8-10 of his pitches.  Bullpen practice and warmup is very different than game time.   


I have no dog in the fight between the two teams, could care less which one one or lost.  What I care about is the safety of the pitcher. 
