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Read a couple threads from past threads but wanted some updated opinions on using crossover symmetry vs. jaeger bands.  Son is looking for an offseason throwing program to gear up for his freshman year of college.  Take cost out of the equation because this will be his graduation present.  Just want opinions strictly based on results, thank you all! 


Also, if you were to make a list of everything a pitcher would need for a serious off-season program what would you include?  We are interested in things to not only increase his velocity but items that will help the recovery process as well.  I have heard of a "pitcher's body blade" and believe we will purchase that as well.  

Last edited by PitcherOnlyDad
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Your son will be working a lot with his future college pitching coach.  There will be many hours together and there will be a lot to learn.  This is a great opportunity for him to start a dialogue with his future coach about their specific offseason workout "guidance", throwing programs, and tools.   My suggestion would be to follow that guidance when the high schools season is over, and come to school in the best shape possible.   He's going to need it in the Fall to compete for playing time next Spring.  As always, JMO.

Good luck!


From what I can tell (I've owned the Jaeger video but not the COS system) COS is the only one that purports to actually increase strength and velocity.  The concept is that by working various decelerator muscles the arm is allowed to throw to its maximum potential, since it now has the strength to keep the shoulder from being injured by a throw of a particular viciousness.  The way it is explained is that the body will naturally limit how hard the accelerator muscles are allowed to work based on protecting the rear shoulder from injury.  Strengthen the decal muscles and consequently the body will allow the arm to accelerate faster.


Jaeger's system focuses on the acceleration phase of things - forward throws.  His band work is for stretching mostly and very little strengthening.  The video isn't that expensive, if I recall.  The bands are though.  The throwing system doesn't really need the video to explain.  Many people here could give you the rundown in a short email.  Youtube Alan Jaeger and you will find videos that largely explain a lot of his stuff.  Drive line, in their weighted ball throwing program has a link to his pre-throwing stretches, which can be done with any thera-bands/tubing.  

My suggestion might be, get the COS system, and do that, and either get the Jaeger video, or get up-to-speed via the board, and combine the two elements.

Lantz Wheeler's Core Velocity Belt may be one of your best bets.  I don't care so much for the way he is constantly dangling "Inside information" in front of people for yet even MORE money (he seems to want to get very rich off of pitching instruction) but his Core Velocity Belt WORKS, and I think it may be the only thing of his that you really need.   It just takes all of the teaching and such right out of pitching.  Put it on and go.

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