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Reply to "08 committments"

Originally posted by spinner1:
Ben, ( no one wants my questions answered?) Since when did you assume the position for talking on everyone's behallf?
What paper do you write for? Do they allow you to throw your weight around like this? My response to Fasball is appearing on a competing web site. I will debate anyone at anytime. I also call an ACE an Ace....I always go with the higher card.

Spinner, isn't your charge against Ben hypocritical? You claim to be asking your quesitions on behalf of the masses! Rather, I believe you speak for yourself.

COMPETING WEBSITE? Attempt at humor? This is a high school baseball website comprised of parents, coaches, players etc. and we aren't competing against anyone. I'd like to do my best Bobby Knight imitations here from his various post game interviews on topic of this website competing against another. I just couldn't do it justice. (Close eyes, think about Bobby Knights's Game Face Routine! = classic!)

BTW, at various times you've presented yourself as representing various segments of baseball's society, ie. players and/or coaches and have stated, "Most A.D.'s" and "sending the wrong message to players" insinuating that you speak for them or know how they think. Yet, you question Ben?

This site is what it is. Any other site claiming that we're in competition just doesn't get it. But then again... I realize that I'm just an ordinary coach and teacher. Yet, I wonder why those that promote their websites as superior to this or that would ever need this website? Spinner, I don't know what is posted on a "copeting website" but surely they have better things to do than live their lives vicariously through the hsbaseballweb.

Last edited by CoachB25