There is a lot of talk on this site about the studs at 12 who are in puberty vs. 12U non puberty players. I would like to hear some stories about kids that were studs at 12 and then went on to have a good baseball life. I remember tales of Ryan Howard hitting a ball 450 feet when he was 12 and I am sure that Clemons, Peavy and other power pitchers dominated at 12U. The only person that I personally know that made it to the MILB triple A was a puberty stud in LL. It may just be me, but I would think that every player in MLB was a stud in youth ball. Hand eye coordination and a cannon arm are more of a gift than a learned skill. You can make them better with training and practice, but you have to have the tools to start the process.
Just my thoughts on the subject and I would like to hear from other parents.
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