Does this mean a kid that has two short non athletic parents is nearing the end of the journey? An unathletic kid with two unathletic parents is unlikely to turn into a athlete.
It's comparing two scenarios. It's not building my son up against another kid. As I explained up front I was using my son as an example because I know his background well.
"Sucks" is a short realistic breakdown of the other player's current ability. Once again it's nothing personal against the kid. It's using him as an example of a legendary 11U/12U stud who I could tell them wouldn't be successful on the 60/90 field. It's not like he lost the opportunity to play baseball because we didn't want him. He went elsewhere and failed for two years.
My point about size is the kid wasn't very athletic in the first place. He just hit his adult size and strength at 11U/12U by being a physical early bloomer. He's the same size at fourteen as he was at eleven. Given your background I'm sure you would have looked at him at 11U/12U and agreed he wasn't going anywhere in the game. In fact, when we put together our travel team based on the LL district, when we reviewed all-star teams, when we got to this team I asked the other three coaches if anyone disagreed in my belief the kid has peaked on the small fields. No one disagreed.
This kid never lost on the small fields as a pitcher. He hammered a ton of homers. In 13U and 14U he was hammered almost every time he pitched. Hitting he flied out a lot when he wasn't whiffing.
I didn't mention his name so I don't believe I raked a kid. From my "location" how would anyone on this board know who I'm talking about? Even if his dad read this (doubt he did) there are plenty of big 12U kids stiff arming oppo homers on small fields and failing on the 60/90. He's far from the only one in the country, the region, or even our old LL district or travel area with this profile. There were "stud" all-stars from our own LL parents couldn't understand why we (travel team coaching staff) weren't interested. Like you, we could identify potential from pretenders based on mechanics and athletic potential.
I believe your post is more of a personal attack in an attempt to take me down since you can't get me to buy into your point of view. Remember you hacked at me first. While you may be offended of my description of an anonymous player, I'm offended by your attempt to directly attack me. Your post is not in the form of disagreement. It's in the form of a personal attack.
It's just another shining example of old timers slamming newer posters.