Let's see.
1 uncle played for the Cowboys, 2 uncles played college basketball(but only Div. II), Grandpa's on both sides played college basketball(one was only JUCO though), one uncle played MILB(only got to AA, not good), Mom was a pentathlete in college,(Div. II again, not good), 2 Uncles offered full ride Div. I football rides, chose to stay home with HS sweethearts.
Now, Dad had 3 knee surgeries before age 18. Most Uncles walk around like they don't have knees. Great Grandma was 4'11" when she stretched. One aunt can't walk and chew gum. 3 Uncles trip if they don't look down when they walk. Vast majority on both sides(Cousins) never played tag let alone HS sports. One aunt 5'2"(she claims, I have my doubts). All first cousins think that sports are for idiots and refuse to play, thus screwing up my data
Could someone tell me how my kids will do?