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Reply to "12U studs"

Originally posted by batdad25:
In our town, the "stud" is not biggest kid. Many get caught up in the notion that the bigger player is better.

We have a kid who is middle of the road in size for our town. Hit's the cover off the ball. Hit his first HR at 9 years old and measured 250ft. There are good players who are bigger who do not come close to hitting the ball like this kid.

Bigger is not always better

As long as his dad did not play in the HS band I would continue to expect great things from the young man. Wink If he did maybe he'll be lucky enough to read some of the brilliance penned in this thread and will keep it a secret from the boy as long as he can. Could you imagine finding out just before your shot on the big field that dad was in the band. Oh the humanity!!

All the more reason to burn my yearbooks. Big Grin