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Reply to "$18K to sit the bench"

@Francis7 posted:

Wish I could like this post more than once.

I agree w/ the sentiment as well. In a perfect world, that's how it would work. Sadly, across a heck of a lot of college campuses, it doesn't. First off, many are not giving kids the luxury of simply "being on the team". There are cuts in a whole lot of programs every semester. You read that correctly. Every semester. Why? Because college baseball coaches recruit 24x7x365. And there are only 11 scholarships. When they get wind a stud wants to attend their university, they begin the process of running a kid off. They pull scholarships left & right to serve their own interests. Ironically, you don't see this as often in football & basketball although I'm positive it happens primarily in football. It's really an incredibly ugly scene for kids & families to live in constant fear of getting their scholarship and/or roster spot "renewed" each semester. The games & pathetic actions by a whole lot of D1 baseball coaches, recruiting coordinators, etc is unprecedented. A scholarship should be for four years. Period. Only exception is if a student-athlete fails from an academic or social standpoint...not because they have to find room for a better player.
