My son is a 2015, and I filled out a few questionaires, but he fills them out now. He has his own opinions, likes, wants, etc. I have spoken to coaches on his behalf, most when he was younger. Although, we were at a regional D-1's Christmas Camp, and I walked past the head coach as I was headed back from the restroom. He approached me to talk to me about my son. at the end of the camp, the assistant asked us to tour the campus with him and said he would like us to visit in the fall. Additionally, my son has been asked to call two D-1 Coaches weekly, and they have told my son that I can call them anytime I want. So what I am trying to say is, I don't know as much as some because of their halving more experience than me, but I believe coaches are smart enough to know what parents are out of control and which ones are not. I personally will help my son, but I would rather he does the majority of the work. It will be a good learning experience, and the apron strings need to be cut at some point. Basically, I don't believe you have done anything wrong either, but he should definitely begin to take the lead on his own.