cabbagedad posted:meads posted:My son's HS team (hopefully he will make the team this year) starts their winter workout at the end of September, 3 days a week, not at all mandatory, but gets the boys in shape and gets them in front of the coaches. Tryouts begin the 3rd week of February. I must say that doing the winter workouts is not a guarantee for the boys to make the team, which I like. Last year my son (8th grade) went to the workouts but did not make the Freshman team, we were devastated until a good friend told him that he just wasn't ready to play HS ball- that was the encouragement he needed to work even harder and its paying off!
Now he plays Select ball. After their Fall season, their practices started first week in December, 1 day a week until the end of February then will start back up with practice, games and tournaments as soon as HS ball is over. Of course they have an unwritten rule to hit the batting cages, tees etc. throughout the week.
Basically, my son plays or practices everyday
He works hard and is dedicated to self improvement and now that he is 9th grade, now we are starting the camps and showcases as money and schedule permit.
Welcome to the site, Meads. You may consider holding off on the showcase aspect of that plan for a while. If your son wasn't ready to play HS ball a year ago, he probably doesn't have enough yet to impress recruiters. That money can most likely be better spent on instruction/training or maybe a nice weekend with him doing anything except baseball since he plays every day. That time will come. Just a thought.
Thank you. My son is more of a baseball player than what he was a year ago (its like night and day). Our Fall season, my son was turning heads. ERA was 2.48 and his FB tops at 76 now. In fact, the HS coach sent him a personal invite to a PBR showcase in a few weeks (this will be our first). He sent it out to only 3 freshman. The coach pairs my son at workouts with several Varsity players. I'm sure he will make one of the teams this year. I know he won't play Varsity for sure, but there is a slight chance he could make JV. Either way, I know he will give his all.
Budgeting and Baseball are my life. My son doesn't ask for anything and he tries to pay his own way with what money he earns or gets for his bday etc. He takes pitching lessons that he pays out of his own money. Last week he did a Pitching Camp at a college a few hours away. He received good feedback. I told him we will take it slow and learn the ropes and then next year hit the showcases harder, when we know he will be more ready.