PABaseball posted:meads posted:Do I talk to the coach or not?
First off, I am not a complaining parent. First game of the season, my son choked- 3 K's, he has never done that at the plate. 2nd game he sat the bench the entire game, but we had the talk that he has to earn his spot every game every practice. In the 3rd game he got to pitch the last 3 innings and did well (better than the other 2 pitchers for sure), but still no at bat. Last night he played RF all 7 innings and made 4 great catches/plays, but still no at bat.
He is a great hitter. Usually bats in the upper .320-.380, OBS .389, SLG .643 But he is not getting that opportunity. He does well in batting practice and we go to the cages outside of practice. We have decent players at the plate, however there are at least 3 boys that get their shot at the plate and don't perform...which leaves me to question WHY my son isn't there?
So, should I let it ride out another week? Or request a meeting and ask what he needs to work on to get a shot At Bat?
Your season started 7 days ago and you already want to talk to the coach about not getting enough ABs? I could see your son doing it a month in if he wasn't hitting at all, but if you are going to ask about getting more ABs and then call out three other players who are having a bad week - it will not end well for your son now or moving forward.
First off, I thought this would be a safe place to talk out my thoughts and feelings. Apparently some of you just like to be harsh. I have thick skin and I have dealt with many yahoo dads over the years, but try to be constructive not destructive with your comments!
Also, I never said I would "call out" the other players. I don't throw ANYONE under the bus, ever! Also, I told my kid at the beginning of the season that he had to earn his spot and work hard or someone on the bench would replace him. I also let my kid battle his own battles and we have discussed on whether he should/shouldn't ask his coaches (He brought up this whole thing, not me). I would only step in if he asked me too, but I wanted to get your thoughts as well, geesh
57special- "take off a few games" worst advice ever....
This whole conversation is hypothetical in the event that things did not change and son talked to the coaches and still no change and he asks me to step in- I don't do anything on the spur of the moment, I like to process and think things through.