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Reply to "2020 High School Baseball Season"

TPM posted:
RoadRunner posted:

PER 57:

“So now my wife is being told to go to work even if she has had contact with infected people, and to wear a Bandana if the masks are gone. It would be funny if it wasn't so serious. “

So 57, based on your profile, you are in MN.  MN has 91 cases as of today per JH map. Certainly not all of them are hospitalized. Why be an alarmist? Acting in this way is simply not helpful. It’s difficult enough to get people to realize the ramifications of what IS actually happening. No one needs false truths right now. Several days ago you made similar comments about your local hospital already being overwhelmed.  How many cases or hospitalizations due to corona did MN have when you made that comment?  

It's not how many people are in the hospital, but how many people are in the ER at one time.

Per57, my daughter's very close friend is an ER nurse in one of our largest hospitals in our county.  They ran out of hazmat suits and she was wearing the same mask as the day before.  They ran out of influenza kits as well because protocol is that test first if positive you have the flu, if not go home and quarantine yourself for 2 weeks.

You are correct about the bandanas and our hospitals in my county are overwhelmed.

My point is, 91 coronavirus patients in MN is not overwhelming the Healthcare system. I’m sure things are getting dicey in areas where there are abundant corona patients. People should not be panicked and go to the emergency room. No alarmist behavior!  

Edit to add:  rushing to the ER for non acute flu like symptoms is just as stupid as crowding beaches. What are people thinking?  

Last edited by RoadRunner