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Reply to "2021 D3/HA D1 Check-In"

My 2021 will be attending his second virtual prospect tour/visit at a HA D3 next week.  (He got a lot out of his first one, surprisingly, and came away liking the school and the coaches quite a bit.)  Neither of these schools has seen him play yet, but both will have an opportunity at either HF or SB (if they happen).  In addition to those two, a third HA D3 suddenly has started texting him after games to get a rundown on how it went. He had mixed results at his last tournament and it was a real life lesson for him figuring out how to be honest and yet still try to put his best foot forward!

A couple of other D3s that weren't on my son's list of schools have emailed his coach asking to have my son "reach out."  Each time, he has had to sit down and think about whether that school is one he would want to attend.  Mostly, he has said no thanks, primarily based on location or majors offered.

I'm struck by how many opportunities to grow and mature he is tackling right now with the coach interactions and the decisions he's making.

Although my son's games have been live-streamed, it doesn't appear most of the coaches he's communicating with are watching them.  We did see a few D3 coaches standing around behind home plate at LakePoint during the last PBR tournament.

So far, only one school he's interested in has said they plan on having a camp in the fall.  He will go if they hold it.

We have told our son we will do all we can to try to get him physically on campus of any school he is seriously entertaining an offer from.  It seems crazy to me that coaches would make offers, and players would accept them, without either having physically seen the other, but I think there's going to be more of that this year.  Talk about leaps of faith!
