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Reply to "2023 College baseball Season"

@adbono posted:

We are talking about facts so no reason for anyone to be offended. Not that it takes a legitimate reason anymore. But it’s all good. I do wonder how credible it is to belong to The Association of American Universities at this point in time. I think the quality of a college education in America has deteriorated across the board. Some places more than others and how you would quantify that I don’t know.

I went to a very liberal college. I got two degrees there. One as a student-athlete and another as a part time student on nights and weekends.

In the four and a half years I was a full time student I didn’t pay attention to the liberal stuff. There was always something being protested. I was too busy with school and baseball. What spare time I had was dedicated to girl chasing.

I was an Econ major with a concentration in Quantitative Analytics. It was because math/calculus was easy for me. I had no intention of being a Econ/calculus nerd in a cubicle after college. I took as many Poly Sci electives because the courses were easy. The professors were all communists and socialists. I told them what they wanted to hear and walked away laughing with an A.

My son had the same major forty years later. After one mistake of stating his opinions on a paper and getting a D he learned to play the game. I had warned him. Keep in mind TA’s grade tests and papers. My son had the nerve to write  personal responsibility and accountability should come before leaning on the government for help.

My daughter was a science major. There’s nothing political about science. She went to law school and achieved the amazing. At an Ivy she became Editor of the Law Review despite being in the Young Republicans Club.

College is what you make of it. It’s like shopping for clothes. If you see expensive clothing a sane person asks themselves if they will wear it often enough for it to be worth the money. Majors work the same way. Am I getting my monies worth.

My kids received 75% between athletic and academic money. College was not expensive. I paid the rest. I had saved for 100% for each from the day they were born.

Neither of my kids nor I have/had careers in our majors. But with our majors we proved we were smart and sensible. Our majors could have led to careers. My son went fromEcon to consulting. My daughter went from forensic science to law school. My major allowed me to answer two questions to get through the cattle call interview. 1) Is your major math or computer science oriented? 2) Is your gpa 3.2 or better in your major? I advanced to go in sales and sales management in the mini and mainframe world.

Regardless of the cost of college those with college degrees still make significantly more over a lifetime. There are exceptions. I have an auto mechanic friend who makes a lot of money specializing in high end foreign cars. There are college graduates with useless degrees going nowhere. A friend pulled his daughter out of Georgetown when she changed her degree to sociology. He told he she can go to Nowhere State for a sociology degree.

Good thing the college baseball season is almost over. This is way off topic.

Note on quality of college: My daughter graduated undergrad from a state university known for it’s academic mediocrity outside her major. It was one of the best for her major. She saw it as the best place for the combination of her major and softball.

She graduated PBK and scored in the top 5% of those taking the LSATs that year. She applied to five elite law schools and didn’t get into any of them. it must have been perceived by these more northern law schools she went to some dumb ass southern school.

She worked as a legal researcher for a prestigious DC law firm for two years. The lawyers at the firm helped get her into all five of the same law schools with their referrals.

Last edited by RJM