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Reply to "4 years D1 after Juco?"

This truly is a hot freaking mess.  It used to be you could learn about college baseball recruiting after a few months of reading HSBBWeb posts and doing some reading on your own.  Typically folks would ask a few pointed questions on the board related to their son's specific situation, goals and then figure it out on their own with some checkpoints along the way with folks that had been there, done that.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Today, it is an entirely different matter navigating the college recruiting landscape due to actions taken by MLB, NCAA and the US legal system.   Hot mess, indeed.  I feel very confident in saying that my son's recruiting experience would be significantly different today if we were going through this college baseball recruiting process based on where he started and where he ended up.   Nothing about my son changed, but everything around him has changed in just 10+ years.  I have many concerns for the (future) people like my son who want to play a game they love in college while getting a quality education.   Education seems to be the one word that is never mentioned in restructuring today's college athletics, and that really bothers me.

As always, JMO.

Last edited by fenwaysouth