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Reply to "9-4"

Unfortunately I do drink... crazy Just waking from that drunken stupor. My dang head hurts. Thought my balls would but since I don't have any.....oh well. Hewhoisthenonuttedwonder has to chime in once again..... Ro.....oops! I mean AF, my apologies sir. Not sure what tagging is but if I tagged you, please accept my apology. My comment was only reference to the "genius" connotation bestowed by you upon someone else.Not a reference to you in general. Trying not to tag, you know. That's what made me laugh and choke.... JMO

Nothing in particular makes a great or bad coach. However, those close to any particular coach can be blind to what is right in front of them. And to no fault of their own I might add. That's what sparked my very 1st comment on this site. "Sometimes folks can't see the forest for the trees". I do think coaches win and lose more games based on their decisions than players do. Just like we all do in our own respective careers, every coach is going to make decisions on and "off" the field that will effect how his team does and also how he is perceived. Most are good-some are bad. Those that minimize the bad decisions, are the successful ones. Those that use good ethical philosophy in all phases of the game are ultimately rewarded. Those that don't, get bit in the arse eventually. That's why I got choked.You have to see the meadow on the other side of the woods.If your standing behind a tree, you can't see it.
