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9th-12th Private Christian Baseball School

A new nonprofit Private Christian based school dedicated to baseball will be enrolling students for the 2010-2011 school years. The school will be located in the Dallas-Ft.Worth area. It will be a state of the art facility for both academic learning and top notch indoor baseball facility. The school already has sponsors lined up to help in the traveling expense for the team. The team will play a year round schedule throughout the United States with several opportunities to play overseas. The school will focus on high academic standards that will result in a 100% graduation rate. This will be a complete program from the ground up. The school will have its own web TV channel for college recruiters. School will be over seen by a board of regions. The first year’s tuition will be 50% off for the first 20 students enrolled. This is not a select team this is a private high school that will focus on one sport, baseball. The school as over 200 colleges signed up for the web TV channel with many more signing on every day. Boys from out of state will stay with a host family. If your son is serious about playing college or professional baseball this is the place for him. The baseball program will focus on all aspects of the game. Strength and conditioning will also be a huge part of the program. For more information please email me at
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