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Reply to "A letter from...."

If your son is a junior this year, start an organization system, received mail, mail to be returned, we went as far as organized it by school. We ended up with a whole drawer full of stuff. Once the "real" recruiting started, that drawer of letters meant very little. It was nice to have them, but the fact is they have little value. Until a school sees your son play in person, and makes a phone call after July 1, then you can actually say the school is interested, and he is actively being recruited. Most big schools have a significant mailing system that starts out with 500 on the list. You have to keep grounded, this coming year will be a roller coaster ride. You have to keep the peaks and valleys as even as possible. When the offers come in the fall it will get worse, then finally when the recruiting is over, you can take a breath, the get back in the roller coaster for the next phase in the life of a baseball parent.