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Reply to "A letter from...."

Keep in mind there are three distinct groups of parents that post to hsbbw at this time of year. Those with talented sons that have not yet reached college age, parents with talented sons that have not yet reached college age but have signed a NLI, and parents of college/pro aged players that have developed some long term perspective.

What might be described as "politically correct" might also be described as "euphoria" for parents that have not yet dealt with the realities of college and/or pro baseball. There is a certain euphoria that parents experience when their sons first experience recognition at the next level. The realities of the "business" of college and, to an even greater extent, pro baseball, have not yet been experienced by many posters.

Letters, then phone calls, then scholarships, and even pro contracts become meaningless as players compete for the reality of playing time. It can be a cruel world out there- enjoy every step of the journey.