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Reply to "A letter from...."


IMO - Its great that your son is getting attention from any school. It is always very exciting to get interest in any form - and they should all be followed up on by your son. Dont count anything out.

However, it is important to keep a level head during the process. Try to minimize the highs and lows. If you cant do that - buy alot of Rolaids.

Most importantly - look at the facts wherever you can find them and think realistically about the various programs and where your son could fit in academically and athletically. Personally - I like numbers - so I always asked myself "what are the odds that etc..."

IMO - Beenthere delivers the steak rare - but it is Grade A stuff in my opinion. TRHit puts a little sauce on it so it goes down a bit easier.
Either way - its grade A stuff from folks who have gone through the process very successfully IMO.

Sorry for the lame steak analogy (LOL) and best of luck to your son.