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Reply to "A letter from...."

Just to clearify, PG is not a recruiting service despite having helped many players go on to college programs.

We work very closely with most all DI schools. The last thing we would do is downplay the importance of College Camps. They can be valuable both as a learning experience and possibly even from a recruiting stand point.

The player is showing interest in the program when he attends the college camp. This helps the college coaches decision a bit.

Now being interested in the truth lets look at the facts.

For the most part, most DI schools have rosters full of scholarship players who never attended their camps.

Is one to believe that the DI coach that sees his potential #1 pitcher at a showcase or tournament will not recruit him because he failed to attend the schools camp?

Are we suppose to believe that those top players who make 5 official visits have attended all 5 of those schools camps?

If a college had no scholarship money left for next year would they cancel their camp?

I could go on, but somewhere along the line common sense should kick in.

That said, I am a strong supporter of several college camps. Some are great experiences for young players and potential college players. But next time one of them tells you they have no interest in your son unless he attends their camp you should know this... They don't really think your son is a top caliber prospect because the top guys don't have to attend any camp tp get extreme interest. Or perhaps they think you won't attend without a little incentive. In most cases it's not the same for everyone, sometimes they really mean what they're telling you in your specific case.

Bottom line... Many college camps are great for the player. It can be a very positive experience. But if they find a better player some place else, they're going to recruit him.