Some are very recreational, others quite intense. The Stanford camp was interesting to me. My son received a letter from them and they said that if he is interested in Stanford he must come to the camp. They went on to state that they don't have the ability to travel etc. to see all the recruits they'd like. Frankly, I didn't truly believe that. If it's someone they want, they'll go see 'em. the Stanford staff used to work the Cal Poly camp until CP recently changed head coaches. I've seen the Stanford coaches at the Area Code games and other events. So do you have to go to a school's camp, NO. But if you want to guarantee they'll see you, YES. Otherwise your left to hope they see you elsewhere.
Getting seen is critical. Although my son has gotten some contact from several schools from seeing a tape, interest has typically come only from those who have actually seen him play and that has usually been at a camp. From the Stanford camp he has been contacted by 6 schools that were there, although, none were Stanford