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Reply to "A Parental Questionnaire:"

  1. At what age did you have an inkling your kid might have a knack for baseball? — when he was around 2 a friend who was an education professor asked him to come to her class to demonstrate stages of development for preschoolers. She was wearing heels and a suit, knelt down and told him to throw her the ball, explaining to the class that at his age he would probably throw the ball into the ground and it might not get to her. We tried to warn her, but his throw knocked her on her fanny.
  2. How old was your son that last time you or your spouse coached them on the field? — never did, although my husband still has conversations about it.
  3. As a parent, what has been your favorite level to watch your son play? — I've loved all of them, but probably the year he was 10 was one of the best. He played little league all stars that got to the state tournament, his travel team started that year and moved up to AAA. We made new friends on the bleachers as we got to know the parents, he started playing with guys who are still some of his best friends. It was a magical summer.
  4. Do you / did you talk too much baseball to friends and family? More than some would like, less than others. We have one set of parents who we are very close to. Their son is playing indie ball and they said one night that we have to get togehter to talk about our boys because other parents think we are crazy. They're right.
  5. Do you have any major regrets, knowing what you know today, would you do anything major differently? I think everything worked out right for him, but if I had it to do over, we might have invested more in having him "seen." He played at a P5 in college that was just down the road, but I wonder if we had pushed harder he might have had more opportunities, but it's hard to imagine them working out any better than where he ended up.