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Reply to "AABC CM Regional Qualifier"

I believe what the DBAT GM is getting at, tongue in cheek of coarse, is that in recent past some organizations were not asked to particpate in the "premier" league the Mustangs are associated with.

I, back when I was coaching, contacted Sam trying to get the scoop and got the impression that only certain organizations were considered worthy of particpating in their "premier" league. What their organizations standards were was unclear to me.

From what I on read about results from this forum, it seems that there is only one "Premier" league in Dallas. Unfortunately, the Mustangs are not participants.

On a side note, I don't think it's really that important what league a team plays in as long as the competition is at the highest level possible for the quality of talent each team assembles.

I believe the GM posted he is all for having all the top shelf teams compete regardless of what league they associate with.

Unfortunately, it was my observation that sometimes egos get involved in amatuer baseball which doesn't allow for this at times. Frown
Last edited by Ken Guthrie