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Reply to "AABC CM Regional Qualifier"

by Cheapseats:According to the Lone Star League website Mustangs-Carpenter were 17-0 in league play for 2005 so for that year the league winner and Mustangs-Carpenter were probably one and the same. I have no idea how the standings are shaping up for 2006.
If you are inferring that the Mustangs-Carpenter earn that host spot in the Regional I can assure you that this is not so. Not saying that it is right or wrong but simply that in this case the team has already been determined.

AABC does not allow a team to host an AABC State, Regional or World Series tournament. An AABC sanctioned league must be the host. It is then up to the league to set up who is to represent them at the tournament. In this case Lonestar chooses to have the Mustangs-Carpenter represent them at the Regional regardless of league play outcome. If the McKinney Marshals go 15-0 and Mustangs-Carpenter go 5-10 in Lonestar league play it doesn't matter. Again, there is nothing wrong with this as that is the preferred way for that league.

My teams have always played in BBI and every time BBI has ever hosted an AABC State, Regional or World Series the team that represented BBI did so based upon merit. Up until a couple of years ago, BBI hosted the MM Regional each year and that made for fierce competition in 16U league play because the 16U league champion got an automatic berth into the Regional as the host team. I personally would not have my team play in a league that did not open that slot up to a competitive process - but that is by choice. BBI is not run by a single person but rather by a Board of Directors and the coaches of the 16U and 18U leagues vote before each season on how they will play their league schedule and how the post-season slots will be allotted. Quite simply, this democratic process is the preferred method for my team.

I am glad that people are choosing to become educated in the AABC process as IMO it is by far the most prestigious tournament series in youth baseball. Ultimately, if you are playing in any league it doesn't matter which one as long as you are playing.

I do want to see the best teams playing the best teams in a single league because it helps the players within that league get better by playing each other (iron sharpening iron was a nice quote) and it makes for an incredible exposure environment for all the teams involved. I realize not all teams and players can play in this league and there is no simple answer to how you can appease well over 100 North Texas teams but IMO one league for the best teams is a great answer for those involved. It would seem that the trickle down effect makes other teams strive to be included in that league thus improving their teams and metroplex baseball as a whole in the process.

Gotta go now. Late for church.
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM