quote:Originally posted by DBAT 18 GM:If you are inferring that the Mustangs-Carpenter earn that host spot in the Regional I can assure you that this is not so.quote:by Cheapseats:According to the Lone Star League website Mustangs-Carpenter were 17-0 in league play for 2005 so for that year the league winner and Mustangs-Carpenter were probably one and the same. I have no idea how the standings are shaping up for 2006.
DBAT GM - don't think I said that and no I did not mean to infer that....I am simply pointing out that if the bid had been extended in the way you are proposing it would have been the Mustangs-Carpenter for 2005. I am not sure what the answer is to the concern you have raised but I don't think it will get solved or answered on this website ... Sam is not present on HSbaseball web (I don't think) to defend himself so I don't know that we have all the information or all the facts.
In regard to league play, I have a different perspective than you do since I am a parent and not a coach but I do not spend a lot of time questioning what league or WS my sons team plays in....we look for a reputable club with good coaching then after we are on-board we show up when and where we are told ...