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Reply to "Abuse of a youth pitcher question"

How do you check an arm that the pitcher says hurts while you are in a game?

Any coach worth anything has the best interests of the players as a first priority. So when a kid says he hurts what do you do to evaluate without trying to play doctor?

First determine where the pain is. If he points to the elbow, I press on the inside of the elbow bone (medial epicondyle) and if he drops to his knees in pain he is done pitching until I get a sports orthopedisst's written release along with one from the parents.

If the pain is in the biceps tendon at the elbow crease he is done until the pain is gone.

The biceps and triceps muscle are normally OK after a couple of days rest. Same for the forearm muscles.

The front point of the shoulder means no pitching or throwing until there is no more pain. Muscle pain below the wing bone (scapula) should be OK with rest.

Anbody else think of more that are common?