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Reply to "Abuse of a youth pitcher question"

Did you guys notice that OCB's kid is 11? He sure as heck better talk to his travel coach about limits. My son is 14. His travel coach knows what his limits are because we have discussed what they are. Parents have to get involved. We all have seen kids over pitched/played at the youth level. As parents, it is our duty to make sure they are not overused. You don't tell the coach to play your son more, you tell the coach to play him less. And then you make sure it happens. Leave the team if needed. The kids only want to please the coach and play. They have no idea about damage or overuse and some coaches think that as long as the kid says he is fine, then he is fine. But the good coaches want to talk with the parents. Communication is the key.

I have said this before, so ignore it if you want.

Coaches don't have to take kids to the Doctor.
Coaches don't have to take the kids to rehab.
Coaches don't have to explain why they need surgery.
Coaches don't have to wait in the hospital room for your kid to wake up.
Coaches don't have to tell them why they can never play the game again because their arm is shot.
Coaches don't have to hold them while they ice their arm because it hurts so bad.
Coaches don't have to look your kid in the eye when he is 15 and answer why he can't throw anymore.

Anyone who doesn't take care of their kids and have that discussion with the coach in youth ball is an idiot.