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OK, I'll be that parent to state consider the costs in addition to the majors. That could be a huge factor in deciding. For us, after looking at the cost/benefit, the ivies dropped out of consideration as the kid will most likely pursue  post-grad work and resources should be directed there...sadly service academies was a no go for the kid (even with the enticement of us buying him a new  vehicle) due to the limited baseball in the summer...I will admit this irritated me as the kid knew about this through discussion with SA recruiter and talking to team mates who are committed to SA, but cold feet has it's own time table. He ended up a HA D3 in the northeast. The costs while not guaranteed will be less than Ivies but definitely more than the state schools. The wife and I accept and are prepared for the possibly the FA comes way short and we are to pay near full freight...well for the first year anyway.  The school met all the criteria for the kid: reasonable distance from home (close and far enough: for emergencies and to maintain independence), student body size, academic rigor and all the athletic facilities were on campus that did not require car travel so he can maximize his classes/study time. The coaches had a track record of advancing players to good summer league to further their baseball career and in position to win a conference and beyond which was also important for him.   

Last edited by 2022NYC