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Reply to "Advisor expectations"

In our experience, it was much more difficult choosing an advisor as opposed to a college. We could find out many things about a college. It was very difficult or non-existent finding out the bad things about an advisor. We could find where they have a client "Babe Ruth" sign a large contract but couldn't find where they screwed up on Joe HighSchooler. There are exceptions (Aiken, for example) but by and large, nothing. We spoke with several and narrowed it down. Ended up going with someone that the whole family felt comfortable with. This agency was mentioned to me early in the process by someone on this Board. The name came up again from an entirely different source. Although it was not the overriding factor, it was definitely a factor that both these two people liked the agency. 

I picture my son's advisor as being a Big Brother with legal and baseball experience. My son is at age that he does not want to tell Dad everything (or much). That's hard for me but it's okay. I completely trust his agency and trust my son. I want my son to trust them too and develop a rapport with them.. It's only been a month but he does. He is in communication with them several times doing the week. They talk baseball, diet, etc.

It is very early in the process for us. I can speak with much more experience several years from now.

(FWIW, your mileage may eventually vary based upon how the advisor perceives the anticipated athletic ability of his client)

Last edited by RedFishFool