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Reply to "Age"

That brings up a whole other topic.
How many players have had sub-par HS seasons and then gone on to have outstanding travel ball stats...get looked at and later get D-1 offers or drafted?
In Iowa, there is a short compact season, so they are starting later and are expected to be in midseason form by the second week...Whereas in CA, they start outdoors in January and spread out the games over 3+ months. Either way, a player is expected to perform from the start. IMO, 25 games spread out over 3 months in our (Northern Ca) case leads to a lack of consistency and could affect a players swing and mechanics. In Iowa, there a huge break in action from games due to the long winter, which could lead to very slow starts.

In travel ball, there are tournaments that allow a player to play 2-3 games a day and 5-6 a weekend to work out a bad game and feel a rhythm they are comfortable with.

So here's the question...If a player has a lousy HS season and tears it up in the summer showcase circuit and tourneys...How would you rate that player? Is HS the warm up and travel ball the reality or do you rate that person inconsistent and challenge him to improve his HS play before being considered for the next level? I have my own thoughts on this subject, but would like to hear waht PG has to say.
Last edited by linedrive10