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There has been a little discussion (in other topics) on pitchcount -- and some of us are particularly interested in that subject as the playoffs approach. We all hear horror stories about coaches that misuse their pitchers during this time of the year -- this subject isn't meant to indict coaches!

On a related note, it seems that there are an increasing number of Tommy John surgeries, which raises a few questions (in my feeble baseball mind, at least). Although all 3 of my sons pitch/pitched, I am not a pitching guru -- like BigHit Smile

Why the increasing number of TJ surjeries? It's almost like the surgery is welcomed in some circumstances ("they come back stronger"). At least 2 kids from Paris have had the operation in the past year. One is back and hit 94 on the radar gun yesterday (against Lon Morris).

Is year-round baseball a large factor? If so, how long should a pitcher, particularly a power pitcher, shut down each year?

Is there any evidence to support the idea that certain pitches contribute to this specific injury?

Does anyone have experience with the rehab? <-- I'm just curious.

I hope coaches -- most of whom are also teachers & humanitarians Smile -- consider the welfare of their athletes during the next 1.5 months.

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