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Reply to "ALB Coaches survey on the rules changed for 2012"

FYI ... to ALL coaches and ALB officials from each respective state.

In order for rules changes in ALB to take place, it’s the coaches and/or the district officials that must submit rules changes to your respective State Chairman who is suppose to take those proposed changes to the annual National Convention and the 51 State Chairman will review and vote on.

That is the “chain of command”, any other avenues of trying to makes changes will not be heard by these folks.

Unfortunately, the Nat’l Headquarter guy who is just one fulltime person (Jim Quinlan) who has a PT secretary who CANNOT do anything unless it comes thru the STATE chairmen at the Nat’l convention.

For coaches that submit rule changes to their respective state chairman, might not be a bad idea to CC the Nat'l program coordinator as well to ensure Nat'l is aware of rule changes being submitted for consideration.

In closing, IF any changes are going to take place with ALB, it must come from the Coaches who must submit the rule changes to their state chairman for consideration at the Nat'l annual convention.
Last edited by MILBY