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Reply to "An article with a top college prospect on why he left baseball"

It takes passion to apply ones self to the utmost degree, which is what college ball requires. Kid is apparently a natural swinger from early on. We've all seen them, from rookie ball through high school. The easy going, loose limbed kid who seemed to give no effort other than what was absolutely required by the coaches, could just step up and poke one outta there. Played the game because that's what his friends did or because pop's insisted he go out for the team. Our kid's envied his swing and talked about the game long after the lights went out but the easy swinger never gave it another thought until it was time for the next practice.

Most went away from the game well before high school but this kid was apparently too good to be missed by the game changers. He continues on as that seems to be his destiny but finally decides to take control of the direction he wants his life to roll. I find his easy going nature humorous in that considering his talent, he takes a left turn without giving the world a blinker.

I agree with TPM's suspicions that the story is incomplete, but why not take it as it's written since we have no other knowledge nor insight into this young man's life. It could be that the opposite sex and sudden interest in religion, that wasn't apparently present before, may have influenced his decisions. However, he is of age. I only hope he doesn't regret it as he gets a little older and wiser. It surely does seem to be an opportunity missed to bank a little off the game and then hunt and fish the rest of his life, at nicer 'Lodges'.
