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Reply to "Anonymous Part II"

I assure you that I can comprehend information and put together logical arguments, at least at a basic level, and that I'm not in denial (I don't get what I'd be denying, but that's OK). I just disagree with the need to be anonymous forums and boards. I stated that opinion. I did not ask that you agree with it. Obviously several disagee with me. I respect that people disagree, but that doesn't change my position. You can continue to attempt to belittle me with the condescending responses. I can take it. I just don't do the disrespect thing back.

BB1, there are nearly 600 posts in the "Please Identify Your Son" category started by PG Staff on Golden Threads. There are less anonymous people on here than you think.

EH you are always a pal!

Last edited by Baseballdad1228