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Reply to "Any ideas what college sports look like this year?"

I already know I’m gonna get slammed for this post, but I have thick skin, so here goes. Danj brings up some great points. It’s pretty hard to discuss Covid without thinking politically. This entire Covid issue is mostly political. Is it real?  Absolutely. Have people died? Certainly. Is it overblown? 1000%. This is a virus, the same as any other virus we have dealt with throughout history. Some strains are worse than others, but none are fatal in and of themselves. The VAST majority of deaths are people who have serious medical issues. Very few completely healthy individuals have died from Covid alone. And how can you even believe the numbers you hear when people involved in accidents that died but happened to test positive for Covid are counted a s a Covid death. So sorry, count me skeptical. I don’t believe this viral outbreak is any more deadly than any other strain of virus we have. Covid has been around for many, many years. This is just the latest strain. Sorry, but you cannot escape politics on this one. The medical industry is split down political lines. The big pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know that the simple, inexpensive treatments DO work. Obviously, all the studies to disprove this are condition individuals that are already in ventilators. No study to date has been shown that the meds don’t work when take prophylactically. There is a LOT of empirical data that proves these treatments are successful. I’ll get off my soapbox now. 
