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Reply to "Are travel teams necessary for the under 12 crowd?"

Originally posted by 2Bmom:
The school we would have transferred to, with a very well-established quality baseball program, fired their coach of 25 years just a few weeks ago. He made the wrong folks mad and poof he was gone.

There's more to the story than making the wrong folks mad. Never depend on HS baseball to get you a baseball scholarship. IMO, in most areas it's not even a part of the picture, look at it as a chance to improve your game, then go out and play good competition and showcase your talents in front of a much larger audience when the time is right.

I have a friend who moved south for better bsaeball, he claimed his player was a STUD and might get better college opportunities (he was still a pre HSer). He did dominate, however once he moved south, he was an average player compared to the rest. He had to work really hard to keep up, and when he did, he was not the standout he was up north. Would he have had a better chance of going to a better school if he stayed where he was? Not sure, but in the end your player's talent dictates his future and who sees him to determine that talent. Parents often see their players as better than others and IMO, should not change their lives for baseball.

Change schools based on academics, not baseball because in the end chances are that is what will get your player into the right school faster than baseball. And in many good college programs, you don't even have to be the team STUD. JMO.

I also agree that more harm than good comes from young players playing 2,3 games a weekend, unless a tournament situation that happens every so often.
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