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Reply to "Are weak hips a real thing?"

CaCO3Girl posted:
joemktg posted:

YES! So look for hip stabilizer exercises. BTW: those hip stabilizer exercises are now a regular part of joemktgson's routine as they continue to sow benefits.

But something else caught my eye: no weight lifting. Why is that?

Why no weight lifting?  Short answer, because he's 13. 

Longer answer is that I was advised a while back that too many kids screw themselves up by doing it wrong and it's just safer to have him work on resistance training and cardio to allow his body to slowly grow the muscles he wants. 

I could very easily see my son saying "Oh, Johnny benched 300#'s let me see if I can."....meanwhile Johnny is a 6'5 250# linebacker, but would my son make the connection that he shouldn't do what Johnny can, NOPE!  He's be the kid on the floor who screwed his back up.

There is not that much point in weight lifting until the testosterone surge kicks in and tells the body to make more muscle.   After that happens,  weight lifting can have serious benefit, since the male body is on a mission to build muscle then.   Before that,  it can do more harm than good, especially if not done properly and with good supervision.   The  testosterone surge comes at different times for different guys.  Once that happens,  weight training really help shapes the body. 

Last edited by SluggerDad