Rob as a coach, yes we get tossed intentionally. Last year, down 8-1 no emotion flat as could be. We were 2-4 and had a really bad team the following game. We had a young team with little senior help and our best players were sophmores. The coaching staff began to chirp. This umpire would not toss
anyone however. it took until the 6th inning before running me. The classic flip a coin got him. That only got me grounded to the dugout. I had to say his name to officially get thrown. This guy took entirely too much. He absolutley did not want to throw me out. I told him a couple times what
I was tryuing to do. he did not want to believe me though. Probably the old if I have to watch this so do you.
I think most of the time I get tossed it is for this reason. In a normal setting, other than the occasional chirp we do not say much.