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Reply to "At what age should daddy ball stop?"

Rz1-w/o being negative:

You wrote: Without being negative
1. Where were you?
2. Very seldom do you find a coach in the t-ball to 11/12 that do not have a son involved
3. The all-star teams diss of non-coaches kids is a program issue that should be voiced with the at large parent groups and those that speak up
4. IMHO very few all-stars fail to compete when they head to the big diamond. My guess is that you lost the coaches kids before that diamond switch.

1)I was at as many games and practices as possible. I did field work, ran snack bars and umpired. My schedule did not allow me to coach except occasionally.
2)Yes and they selected their kids who were less talented than other kids. So you think that all those coaches from all the other teams that selected their kids didn't support another coach selecting his kid? Come on!
3)That is LL! They don't develop kids. It's all geared to the LLWS.
4)My son did make All Stars as a 12yo. My son and one other kid are still playing baseball. Neither had daddy as a coach.

Sorry, but I allowed the coaches to make there own decisions. My son once complained about not playing more and I told him to practice more and get better. I told him if he was that much better than everyone else they would have to play him.

Gee, if your kid loves baseball and you can coach then do it. I wish I could have done it more. But if I was a coach and there was someone better than him on the team then my son would have been the one sitting.

By the way, my son did use the lack of recognition as part of his drive and incentive to succeed.