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Reply to "Back at it again"

2017LHPscrewball posted:

Stats - I had you pegged at around 40 yo based on the arguments you so strongly supported.  Hope you enjoy getting your hands dirty again.  Over the years I have gained an appreciation for what it takes to keep a field in good shape.  A lot of it is the daily stuff that takes a few minutes, but has to be done daily.  First time I as the high school hand out brooms I got confused, but after reading several articles about the creation of lips - and the rather extensive job it is to get rid of them once they appear - I understood their purpose.  Also have a huge appreciation for the airtight bucket and the tamper - I will say out high school has one of the prettiest mounds in the area.


Also, thanks for several educational threads on statistics - the good and the bad.


I left 40 in the rear view mirror a looooong time ago, but I do try to stay young at heart.


The 1st thing most folks look at is the game mound, but what I look at 1st are the bullpen mounds. My reasoning is, the pitchers will throw about 80% of their pitches on the pen mounds, so I want them as much like the game mound as possible.


You’re welcome for anything I’ve said that adds to the knowledge base.

FWIW, here's a pic right out of OBR that tells all there is to know about how a mound should be set up as far as the rules go.



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Last edited by Stats4Gnats