Interesting turn in the discussion related to quick pitching. I actually love it when my 2017 starts working quickly and the opposing batters cooperate (i.e. jump back in the box ready to go). What I don't like is when our team cooperates with an opposing pitcher. Not talking about "not pausing", but wanted to get an ump's take what strategies are legal and allowed when a team wants to simply slow down a pitcher. I've always hated when a batter repeated requests time when stepping into box when pitcher is not rushing (right handed batter with right hand requesting "time" from plate umpire). That said, if opposing pitcher was just a little too quick, I'd be having the entire team use this strategy at least until things slowed down a bit.
I have no problem with the pitcher working quick. The pitcher I referred to was going into his wind-up after as the batter was moving his front leg into the box before the ump even started play again. Never came to a set either. One continuous motion.