quote:We had a man on first and second, with the first baseman playing behind the runner. They ran a pickoff play where F3 sneaks in behind R1 for the pickoff.
goMo's post above can be a legal pick-off attempt or could be called a balk depending on the umpire's judgement of the play.
If the first baseman has moved close enough to the runner to make a legit tag attempt then the play could be ok even if the first baseman isn't at the bag. On the other hand if the ump judges that he isn't close enough or made no move from his defensive position toward the runner the ump could call the balk.
Whether the balk should or shouldn't be called is completely up to the judgement of the umpire.
Remember: It is nothing until the ump calls it; and when he calls it, that's what it is.