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Balk or not

Tonight I saw something that I have never seen before and just on seeing it I'm saying it's a balk but after thinking about it I don't know what to think.

Runners on base and the pitcher brings his hands together and comes set. He looks at the runner on second and legally steps off behind the rubber. As soon as his foot hits behind the rubber he brings it back to re-engage the rubber but during this whole thing his hands never moved one inch. He never raised / lowered them nor did he separate them. They stayed together at his chest the whole time. After he reengaged the rubber he pitched the ball.

So very quickly he legally came set, disengaged the rubber, without moving his hands reengaged the rubber and pitched the ball.

Neither ump made a call. They let it happen without saying a word. So is there anything wrong with what he did?

Thanks guys.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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