My question is in regard to the base award when a pitcher throws the ball out of play on a pickoff attempt. If a left-handed pitcher throws the ball away on an attempt at first base, it's easy to see why that's one base (throw from the rubber). But what about a RHP on a jump step throw to first? Or after a step off the rubber and throw to first? Or on a fake-to-third-then-throw-to-first play? I thought that if the pitcher comes off the rubber he is considered an infielder, and the award should be 2 bases, even though there there is no batted ball to field. Does the runner on first go to second or third in each of the above scenarios?
For the RHP, unless he steps off (disengages) prior to the throw to 1b, he is considered in contact, so a jump turn, jab step are both considered in contact. 1 Base.
For the RH F1 on the 1-3rd move, he is considered to have disengaged upon the fake to 3rd hence a ensuing throw to 1B would be a 2 base award.