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Reply to "Baseball pants..."

Funny,..we are in the middle of a big tournament this week,..and yesterday the boys pants were a much discussed topic amoungst our team moms and a few dads joined in too. ( our boys are 16U )

I'm in the " cant-stand-the-pants-over-the-cleats-with-the-elastic-sewn-to-hold-them " group. Bugs me,..just plain and simple, bugs me, does that mean my sons aren't modified?,..hmmm nope,..they are, I gave in,..but I still dont like it and cringe if I let myself look.

Maybe I'm too much of an ol' traditionalist.
A lot of our boys love them that way.

Here was our team moms/dads conclusion,..what bugs us most is that the team isn't unison,...some boys wear their pants under the kness,..others all in between,..down to the extreme where they have elasatic modified pants( still cringing )

We think they should vote and decide how the "team" will wear them in tournaments. One for all and all for one is the new motto. Shirts tucked in too.

Now,..if they would only let me run out to the field with my wipey and wash their hands off in between plays,..I'd be happy! Ha!

Guess we have to let the kids decide,..go with the flow, long as it doesnt turn into a safety issue,....I can see it now,.. bell bottom pants and platform cleats,..before ya know it,..they'll all be wearing their Ipods on the field too! ha!
