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Reply to "Baseball Workouts"

Here's the best template for a baseball player's workout...

1. Dynamic Warmup
(Hurdles, Tumbling, Spider Lunges, Inchworms, Angels, etc.)
2. Active Conditioning
(Jump Rope, Agility Ladder, General Physical Prep., etc.)
3. Weight Training
"Here's where it gets a little tricky"
3 Focus "Money Lifts"
(Hang Clean, Hang Snatch, Squat, Deadlift, etc.)
4 Posterior Chain Dominant Lifts
(Glute/Ham, Ham Split, Step Up, etc., etc.,)
2 Shoulder Pre/hab lifts
(Muscle Snatch, Cuban Press, Int. Ext. Rotation)
3. Core Work
(Postural Holds, Windmill, Turkish Get Up, etc.)
4. Static Stretching
5. Functional Grip Training

(This is very basic and there are a lot more factors. If you have any questions let me know)