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Reply to "Baseball's over - let's talk Thanksgiving"

I know some of us can get to Albertson's grocery, and the store brand is still in a regular can and I can attest that ridges still come out intact. I can't believe I am reading about how the ridges must be on the cranberry sauce because I think they should be there, too. Cracks me up. laugh

Thanksgiving will be the usual quickie 'cause we work in the casinos that never close up. I get up early, and cook a VERY traditional Thanksgiving dinner. My girls, 11 and 12 years old, help me get things together. Throughout the day we talk a lot about the reason for the special day- about feeling thankful and mentioning those special things we have. My son, who is away at college, used to help in the morning while I was still sleeping. He won't be here this year, this is the first Thanksgiving without him. He is in Oklahoma and will be coming home for Christmas and him flying for 2 holidays is mucho $$$

We are going over to my sister's in Bakersfield on Sunday to have an extended family gathering with my cousin and family that lives in Anaheim. This will be a special day.

Thanks, URkillingMe, I think this will be a most enjoyable thread to read as the days go by.